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- Team Tetris
- v1.33
- By Jonathan Horan
- -----------------
- Team Tetris is a new way of playing the classic "Tetris" game. It involves
- two players playing on the same grid co-operatively. If you want to play
- Tetris on your own or against a rival, there are plenty of other Tetris
- games available as shareware or in the public domain.
- In order to play, a joystick must be plugged into the mouse port. If you get
- seriously addicted to this game, then I suggest that you purchase a
- "RoboShift" or similar Joystick-Mouse switcher. I broke my Atari ST mouse
- port once by continually connecting and dis-connecting my mouse, so BUY A
- JOYSTICK SWITCHER, it's worth the cost.
- Controls.
- ---------
- Both players use a joystick, the controls being arranged thus:
- Up:No action
- Move left Move right
- Down: Drop shape
- FIRE BUTTON: Rotate shape.
- While the players' shapes are still falling, it is possible to manoeuvre the
- shapes to occupy the same space, i.e. to merge them, thus creating lots of
- different shapes with which to experiment. This is one of the keys to
- achieving a high-score in this game.
- Hard Disk Installation
- ----------------------
- Team Tetris is HD-Installable, like all games should be. Simply copy the
- files TeamTetris,TeamTetris.info and the drawer TTfiles into the area of
- your hard disk that you require. Then it is simply a case of Double-Clicking
- the icon, in the directory in which the game was placed.
- I may include a HD-Install program one day for people who are not too well
- acquainted with AmigaDOS or their Hard-Disk.
- By the way, Workbench is better than Windows or OS/2.
- Distribution.
- -------------
- This game is freely distributable i.e. PD and it's okey-dokey to copy it as
- long as...
- 1. No file is altered (You must keep the original high-score table intact if
- you wish to distribute this disk)
- 2. The files are not packed in any way. Packing programs just makes life
- difficult for people with large hard disks, increasing the loading time
- unnecessarily. However, I do permit the files to be archived using LhA,
- for bulletin board distribution purposes.
- 3. It is not put on a disk together with pornographic, violent or otherwise
- immoral material.
- 4. You are a nice person. One day I will exterminate all nasty people.
- Epilepsy warning.
- -----------------
- Medical evidence suggests that certain sequences of images, strobes or
- otherwise flickering lights or looking at cathode ray tubes (for example,
- watching Neighbours or playing Team Tetris) may provoke epileptic fits. If
- nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, migraine or other ill feeling begins to
- arise while playing Team Tetris, switch off immediately and go for a lie
- down with a hot cup of cocoa.
- Don't play on a computer for more than a couple of hours at a time.
- Wearing an eyepatch can help reduce the likelihood of an epilepsy attack.
- Advice on life
- --------------
- Listen to lots of rock music. It will help to release your anger.
- Eat "Harvest Crispy Clusters" at breakfast. They are truly delicious.
- Although the initial entertainment value can be great, using your Amiga to
- beat your sister/brother about the head can be detrimental to your
- happiness.
- Don't listen to people who tell you that Jungle Music is good.
- Do short out the PSUs used in school science experiments. Ours explode.
- Grow your hair long and headbang to Metallica's "Enter Sandman". It is an
- uplifting experience not to be missed.
- Disclaimer.
- -----------
- The author (Jonathan Steven Horan) takes absolutely no responsibility
- whatsoever for any injury; discomfort; loss of hair, sleep or money;
- incurred as a result of using this game and its accompanying files.
- So, if your companion inadvertently socks you one on the nose because you
- made a right bodge of playing this game, or you develop a mental disease
- that causes you to perform perverted acts with sheep, it's not my fault.
- Seriously Essential Software (some of which I haven't got)
- Lightwave / Imagine 3
- DirectoryWork
- Tanks 'n Stuff
- Skidmarks
- Personal Paint 4
- Doom (Release this game on the CD32, please)
- Llamatron
- Final Copy II
- Team Tetris
- Pinball Fantasies
- Super Sound 4
- Blitz Basic 2 / AMOS
- Spectrum Emulator v2.0 (If you have this program, I have loads of Snapshot
- files, if you want them)